Ajimobi Wonder: How Governor Plans to Milk Oyo State Dry Before Leaving Office
- Bayo Adetu
- September 19, 2018
Ajimobi Wonder: How Governor Plans to Milk Oyo State Dry Before Leaving Office
Since Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State lost his second term bid at the April polls, he and his wife have been moving huge sums of money in batches from the Government House.
Firstly, a whopping 500million naira was moved to their Oluyole residence intact. But the second time, 150 million naira got missing from the 350 million naira the governor moved from Government House. The missing money was allegedly stolen by aides of the governor who were in charge of the movement.
The Ajimobis therefore accused one of their aides known as Jummy of the fraud. Jummy, who is married to an Ife Prince, has been in charge of virtually all Governor Ajimobi’s investments. But the close circuit monitor exposed those who stole the money and they happened to be those who are supposed to give cover to the looted money.
The governor, who no longer trusts any of his close aides, had to request for a neutral driver when he recently needed to move the sum of N350million to his Ikoyi, Lagos home.
“They no longer trusts those who are working with them after the past incident, as he now brought a driver named Opeyemi to help in the continuous movement of money,” our source said.
It was gathered that Opeyemi soon joined the bandwagon as he and others claimed to the governor that they had an accident and the money they were conveying got missing in the process.
Meanwhile, there is confusion in the Oyo State government following the loss of a sum of N357million while it was being conveyed to some banks in Ibadan.
The money was moved out of the Oluyole residence of Governor Abiola Ajimobi and his wife Florence, but those conveying the money had not reached any of their destinations when they were attacked by unknown gunmen, who made away with the money.
The man who drove the vehicle, an old man known as ‘Baba Obe’, is a trusted hand, as he has been around the Ajimobi family for decades. In fact, he drove Ajimobi’s father, who was once a member of the Old Western Region House of Assembly, for a long time in his lifetime. These days, he drives Ajimobi’s last born.
The money was moved out in a Toyota Hiace bus. They were going to deposit some of it in Access Bank and the other in Heritage Bank, but they were attacked on Ring Road, just before the roundabout where a road leads to Iyaganku and the other to Apata. Everything happened between 7:20am and 7:35am.”
In March, part of over N1billion moved out of the State House by Ajimobi between the night of Friday 22 and Saturday 23 was confirmed missing.
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