A Unique Journey To Space At ABUAD

Deeper knowledge of space and its exploration, over the years, has been herculean in Nigeria.

This became worrisome that the federal government, at the rebirth of democratic governance, established the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) a research institution that is under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology. 

The Agency was established on 5 May, 1999, with the broad objective to pursue the development and application of space science and technology for the socio-economic benefits of the nation.

While the government’s efforts are salutary, the singular effort of Aare Afe Babalola, SAN, to establish Planetarium, a dome that stimulates events in the space at the expansive Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti, ABUAD, has elevated and externalized opportunities for space knowledge.

Speaking with reporters over the weekend, Dr. Yinka Ajiboye, Director, ABUAD Space Centre, explained that the ABUAD Planetarium “Is the second in West Africa but the largest.”

Ajiboye further explained the passion of ABUAD founder, Aare Afe Babalola, who, he said expended huge capital on the Dome.

He disclosed that at the Dome, countless celestial bodies can be viewed, adding that it is an investment aimed at promoting science and space knowledge in the country.

Ajiboye called on space knowledge seekers to take full advantage of the ABUAD Dome which “Has the shape of hemisphere” adding that information and other inquiries can be obtained through 08063767051. 

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