Dedeigbo Ayodeji

Following the social media rage about the abuse and extortion committed by operatives of the Special Anti Robbery Squad of the Nigeria Police, the Nigerian Government has announced yet another ban on their operations.

This was disclosed in a statement issued by the Presidency on Sunday adding that all Commissioners in charge of all Special Units of the Force will be held accountable for misconducts of any officers within their area of responsibility (AOR).

According to the statement made available to the press, all special units including the Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS), Special Anti Kidnapping Squad (SAKS), IGP Intelligence Tactical Squad(IIRT) have been banned from all low risk level operations such as stop and search, invasion of privacy of citizens, particularly searching of mobile phones, laptops and other smart devices.

It also revealed that a special monitoring unit will be set up to ensure there are no officers disobeying directives from the Force Headquarters.

It will be recalled that the Nigerian government had in recent times while responding to outcry of Nigerians about the abuse and extortions of officers of the Nigeria Police had banned the illegal activities of the operatives but to the public’s surprise same officers still patrol in unmarked vehicles terrorising unsuspecting innocent citizens.

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