FG expects first oil from new marginal fields by 2022

The Federal Government has said it is expecting most of the marginal fields, which investors bid for in the recently concluded bid round, will achieve first oil starting from next year.

The Director/Chief Executive Officer, Department of Petroleum Resources, Mr Sarki Auwalu, said this on Wednesday during a strategic engagement session in Lagos with the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, led by its Executive Secretary, Mr Orji Ogbonnaya-Orji.

The Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Chief Timipre Sylva, had said in March that it had received signature bonuses from 50 per cent of the winners of marginal oilfields following the conclusion of the bid process.

The DPR had said in February that the government was expecting to generate at least $500m in revenue (N189.5bn) from the marginal field bid round.

Auwalu said the government was already taking advantage of the success of the programme.

He said, “Investors are rushing to invest in all the 57 fields on offer. We want to grow the reserves because the growth of the reserves gives us global competitiveness. OPEC will only give you volumes based on your recoverable reserves. We have to grow our reserves, and growing the reserves means more competitiveness for our nation.

“This is where we are: the issuance of the awards to the marginal field bidders – the awardees. And already, we see investment coming. Once we form the SPVs (special purpose vehicles) for field development, you can see capital inflow into Nigeria, and definitely, we see a very bright future. Then, we expect to add more volumes because it is a game of number.”

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