Harvest of Babies Finale: Partnership with God Ends Barrenness –Dr. Chris Okafor
- Bayo Adetu
- April 2, 2023
The 2023 family Liberation and Prophetic conference organized by Grace Nation International aka Liberation city, The Harvest of Babies conference has ended with mind blowing testimonies, more than 3000 awaiting mother met with Elohim and subsequently received their miracle babies.
The annual family liberation conference which began 4 days ago with high expectation from awaiting mother see the light of the day as many awaiting mother met their expectation all to the glory of God.
According to some awaiting mothers who will not want their name mentioned told this platform that God of the Generational Prophet of God Dr chris Okafor has met them at their point of need, one of them said this year conference was specifically organized purposely for her because she has gone to many places, everywhere looking for solution but it never come not until this time, they said the God of Dr Chris Okafor has wiped away their ties.
In his sermon, the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor who teaches on “Partnership as a means of escaping barrenness” said, partnership with God is a key and only way that give access to God, he said no one become successful by Luck but through the understanding of Principle and workings through Partnership, the lead Pastor of Grace Nation Worldwide also remarked that there is a level of your partnership that will turn things around in your favour and put permanent end to barrenness in your Life.
Barrenness is never God’s plan for human beings at all but because in some cases ignorance give the devil edge to operate in peoples life, therefore your commitment to the things of God through Partnership bail you out from the reach of the spirit of barrenness.
Special deliverance and Prayers was conducted for awaiting mothers and fathers preparing them for the delivery of their Miracle babies, over 3000 awaiting mothers and fathers received anointed mantle and other spiritual material as they began prophetic journey to the delivering of their miracle babies, the man of God prophetically declared that by this time next year they will all dedicates their miracle babies.
Meanwhile a Pre- Birthday celebration was held to celebrate the Generational Prophet of God, Dr Chris Okafor who will be adding another year on April 4, and a special cake was cut supervised by Popular Comedian, Aboki for Christ, while a special birthday song was rendered by the entire congregation.
We wish the Generational Prophet of God, a Prosperous Happy Birthday.