Who Is Your Doctor?
- Bayo Adetu
- June 11, 2021
- Uncategorized
”Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?
Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?” -Jeremiah 8:20
It begins and ends with Christ. Its all about Him, pls hold firmly to Him in faith.
Why this my rumbling u may ask.
Its my reaction to emphasis in recent times, on the call to maintain good health, do exercises and to eat well in order to avoid sudden or untimely death.
And I say, that’s not the only way to go.
Because of the erroneous belief that maintaining good health is the assurance to stay alive, many have made Physicians their God. Many in Church don’t even believe in divine healing anymore.
Many of us can not even relate well with the scripture that says, by His stripes, we are healed.
That’s not the way to go brethren, especially, when we consider physician’s usual declaration that ” we treat/care but God heals”
Whenever the news of the death of a familiar figure in church or outside of it is announced, the usual next comment is, let everybody take care of their health, as if we are capable of taking care of anything.
Am not saying people should be lackadaisical in the handling of their health. Not at all, far from it. But the honest truth is that, its only the preservation of God that can keep us, no matter how well we take care of our health.
How do we explain cases of people who are in perfect health condition, but got killed by kidnappers, police stray bullet or road accident. In recent months, there have been deaths of men of means. They had money and maintained good health. Their personal physicians are some of the best in the world, but they died in the best hospitals. Whereas, the mad man on the street, who knows nothing about hygiene continue to survive despite the numerous health hazards he faces daily. What am I saying in essence?
That we can’t be careful enough.
That, Its all about God. That, even when we are ‘taking good care of our health’, we should always remember that if Paul sows and Apollos waters, only God can ensure the seed grows. The God factor is key in maintaining good health and staying alive. Christ’s mercy, His favour and protective hands shall always be with us in Yeshua Mighty name. Shalom!
*Study Scripture: Proverbs 18:10-11
The name of the Lord is a fortified tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe.
11 The wealth of the rich is their fortified city;
they imagine it a wall too high to scale.
~Rev’ Femi Adepoju.